UPDATE: I have posted both the performance tasks (History 3.4 and Science 6.5)  and I'm now working on two additional tasks:
  • SCIENCE 4.2 The student will investigate and understand that plants and animals have structures that distinguish them from one another and play vital roles in their ability to survive. The CS standards that will be integrated are CS 2 and 12.
  • World History & Geography to 1500.  WHI.6 The student will apply social science skills to understand ancient Rome from about 700 B.C. (B.C.E.) to 500 A.D. (C.E.) in terms of its impact on Western civilization.  The CS standards addressed will be those associated with Algorithms and Programming.
UPDATE: Science 4.2, Photosynthesis, is now completed and available on the Performance Tasks page.

UPDATE:  World History & Geography to 1500, WHI.6, is now complete and available on the Performance Tasks page.

UPDATE:  The next example Performance Task will be one that includes program-based data collection.  I'll do two versions, one using the Microbit and a Scratch-like language MakeCode and the other using a Snapino, the Snap Circuits kit built around an Arduino and the associated, text-based programming environment.
     I would recommend both of these boards (Microbit and Snapino) very highly.  They are inexpensive, easy to use, and have a ton of online resources including free code examples as well as  tutorials and videos for support.  They definitely make coding for data collection accessible for elementary grades.  A great site for the Microbit:  https://makecode.microbit.org/courses/ucp-science/data-collection and one for the Snapino (some of the projects on this site use a regular Arduino connected to Snap Circuits as opposed to the Snap Circuit version but coding and connections are the same):  https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/porrey/snap-circuits-snapino-ifttt-ff4d0b


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